Detroit Youth Volume is a Sponsored Project of Allied Media Projects
Shared Services for AMP's network
Creating a more just, creative, and collaborative world is a big job. Allied Media Projects wants to make the work a bit easier. Through our Sponsored Projects program, AMP offers a range of shared services to social justice art, media, and technology projects. AMP provides fiscal sponsorship and financial management. They consult on project planning, management, and evaluation. They support our fundraising and communications strategy.
Allied Media Projects' Theory of Changes
We believe creating our own media* is a process of speaking and listening that allows us to investigate the problems that shape our realities, imagine other realities and organize our communities to make them real. When we train participants** to use media in this way, we transform them from consumers of information to producers, from objects within dominant narratives to authors of the transformation of the world.
*any form of communication
** does not isolate students as our target audience for transformation. We believe in processes that foster mutual transformation. So, when we use the word “participant,” we mean youth and adults – teachers, students, parents, administrators, etc.
*any form of communication
** does not isolate students as our target audience for transformation. We believe in processes that foster mutual transformation. So, when we use the word “participant,” we mean youth and adults – teachers, students, parents, administrators, etc.
Shared Education Philosophy
When educators, youth and community members embrace our full humanity, it allows us to envision and actualize a more just, creative and collaborative world. This is the foundation of the Rida Framework used by People in Education (PIE), another Sponsored Project of AMP. PIE provides media-based education workshops in several Detroit Public Schools.
The Rida Framework is a planning and evaluation tool inspired by Brazilian educator and theorist, Paolo Freire. Teachers learn to employ transformative practices and nurture higher order thinking skills in students. It revolves around the idea that ultimately, we need agents of social justice who are able to solve deep rooted problems, imagine new realities and build movements that span communities across the world.
It identifies essential human skills (pg 12) necessary for ethical citizenship, collaboration, and creating social change. We aim to cultivate these through the learning environments that we facilitate.
The Rida Framework is a planning and evaluation tool inspired by Brazilian educator and theorist, Paolo Freire. Teachers learn to employ transformative practices and nurture higher order thinking skills in students. It revolves around the idea that ultimately, we need agents of social justice who are able to solve deep rooted problems, imagine new realities and build movements that span communities across the world.
It identifies essential human skills (pg 12) necessary for ethical citizenship, collaboration, and creating social change. We aim to cultivate these through the learning environments that we facilitate.